There are a number of important things to keep in mind when searching for the best web hosting of 2015. Understanding how this industry works and knowing how to find great value is key to choosing a provider that is right for you. Perhaps you are confused by all of the conflicting opinions you’ve read on hosting discussion forums like
WebHosting Talk. There is hope, however. The following are several crucial factors that you should consider when deciding on the best hosting service for your particular needs.
Low Prices Don’t Always Mean Great Service
There are lots of companies that pride themselves in offering the most competitive prices out there. It is important to remember that running an efficient and reliable hosting company costs money. Providers that are able to underbid many of the best-known hosting services frequently do so by limiting their selection of services and offering fewer options for connecting with customer support among other things. Ultimately, subscribers will get what they pay for and thus, it is always best to shop for the greatest service value, rather than lowest cost.
99.9% Uptime Isn’t Necessarily Guaranteed
Nearly all hosting companies are currently promising 99.9% uptime. Sadly, many hosting companies are not able to provide this level of reliability on a long-term basis. Rather than looking at what companies say they will provide, check out a few candid customer reviews that detail the amount of downtime that people have experienced and that list how long it takes uptime issues to be resolved. There are a few, top-performing companies out there that have consistently been able to meet or exceed their promises of 99.9% uptime. If you shop around for these entities carefully, you are certain to find exactly what you need.
The Best Companies Back Their Promises Up
Find out what companies are doing to ensure server reliability. Companies that are able to deliver 99.9% uptime usually have solid, dependable features that allow them to do so. For instance, you should look for a company that has a triple or quadruple redundant network. This way, should one or more servers go down, customer websites are still certain to remain online and accessible. Check to see whether providers are willing to compensate their clients as well, whenever downtime is excessive.
Free Domain Names Could Undergo Marked Price Increases
Many companies offer free, personalized domain names as one of their perks. These offers can be very high in value, especially if they’re granted on a long-term basis. If you find yourself suddenly being billed for a formerly free domain name, however, you could end up spending far more to keep this gift than if simply choosing a provider that makes you pay a more reasonable cost for your domain name outright.
Excellent Customer Service Is Always Essential
Look for companies that have multiple ways for customers to get in touch. The best hosting companies are easy to access and capable of handling a very broad range of problems. They have online chat platforms and live telephone operators. People can also submit support tickets via their websites or ask questions by sending emails. Given that you’ll need your site to stay functional each and every day of the year, it is best to align yourself with a hosting business that has 24/7 customer support.
Site Transfer Assistance
One of the foremost goals among hosting companies is to significantly improve user experiences. These companies know that more companies and entrepreneurs are opting to handle the web design and web management processes on their own. They use cPanel to allow for an intuitive and easy design process. Their customer support teams can also assist with site transfers and other aspects of the website development process. Those who lack considerable design experience should steer clear of hosting services that are still catering solely to seasoned web developers.
Hosting Service Awards
There are a number of prestigious hosting service awards that are handed out each and every year. One organization that presents hosting awards is
NCM Online, a company which is best known for its data driven web hosting reviews. Their awards include: “Best Web Hosting Coupon Codes,” “Fastest Web Hosting Worldwide”, “Fastest Web Hosting United States”, “Best Budget Web Hosting,” “Best Web Hosting,” and more. Identifying the recipients of these awards is a great way to find an excellent hosting service for your current business, personal or reseller needs. Take some time to visit the top hosting service review sites like NCM Online in order to obtain lists of award winners and get detailed information on each of the winners.